domingo, 23 de outubro de 2011


 July 23 to August 22

Horoscope of 23/10/2011 to 29/10/2011
The week begins with the waning moon in the period in Virgo and the entry of the Sun in Scorpio in the second bringing a new period in which people will be moretroubled emotionally, and also more suspicious in relationships. On Tuesday Marsmakes a sextile with Saturn and Jupiter starts a crossing point over the week trinePluto. These aspects shoot a great dedication of the people in the professionalseeking to make profits. Between the fourth and fifth Venus square Mars andreinforced with the new moon in Scorpio will clog the relationships with hotpassions, but also strained and exaggerated, causing strong jealousies among other things. In the sixth Mercury square Mars will bring tension and nervousnessdue to the great mental agitation and anxiety. Sun Sextile Pluto can cause positive changes in order to appease or balance problems or challenges that people may be experiencing. Saturday with the reflections from the busy week and difficulties in relaxing. It remains a climate of anxiety. For Leo the week can provide opportunitiesto take control of situations where there is lack of harmony between people and struggles for financial gain.

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